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FFV 1.0
Andrea Sghedoni
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AirMusic 1.0
Andrea Sghedoni
[DOWNLOAD SERVER]:[INSTRUCTIONS SERVER SO LINUX]:[INSTRUCTIONS SO WINDOWS]:To start the server -> double click on file .jarRegistration account, discovering server ip and startingserver-> play above video.======================================================================================The application wants to be seen as an mp3 audio file player,instreaming mode.The songs are chosen by an archive present on a PC withserverrole.How to archive is understood simply a directory, the userwillindicate how theirsource of songs during recording.The project reaches out to all those users of Android mobiledevicesthat have the need and thewillingness to listen to audio file in mp3 format, found ontheirown computer.The fact that we do not occupy physical space on your smartphoneandwhere you can bring your own musicwants to represent the two cornerstones of the utility of the app.To listen to their songs, which are present on your PC, theuserhas to do is download the server, register your account andspecifya folder where to find the mp3 files.The app has been designed for a domestic environment, thismeansthat with devices connected with wifi the app runsperfectlysmoothly.Nothing prevents, however, to instantiate a server with fixed ipandaccess them wherever you are.To find out the ip of the server to be entered at login justgivethe app from the terminal the following commands:ifconfig (Linux OS)ipconfig (Windows OS)NB:If the server is connected to the home wifi will have a dynamicipand local level, therefore the smartphone must be connectedalsowith the wifi is to get to know the ip server (for thisreasonspecifications above it).The app has been designed exclusively for smartphones (onthetablet you have less than optimal repositioning of thegraphicassets).The app also should be used in portrait mode.This project stems from the work of internal training and asaproject / dissertation degree in Computer Science.I would be really happy if potential users leave feedback, beingasupporter of the "constructive criticism".